Three Critical Foundational Doctrines

Under Construction....Coming Soon.... Stay Tuned....

Are you facing a challenge today? Life is full, as they say, and every day challenges arise, and decisions must be made. In the midst of all of this, there is GOOD NEWS! Our Heavenly Father has given HIS WORD and WILL in answer to the issues we face. The doctrines of Scripture, Song and Separation are foundational for The LORD’S Church. In this post, we are sharing articles to help in your Bible study of these critical topics. Let us look at God’s Word that we may know what HE says. People have opinions and prejudices. Truth is diluted. Standards are eliminated. Doctrine is weakened. BUT...

What saith the LORD.

 For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Ps. 119:89 


...speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the LORD. Eph. 5:18-19 

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate... II Cor. 6:17 

As a newborn babe in Christ, I was given a King James Scofield Study Bible, a Living Bible, a Good News for Modern Man, and finally a Compact King James Bible. I’m sure the givers meant well, but no one said anything about Bible translations. However, I did begin memorizing Scripture daily from the King James Bible. From somewhere, I obtained a number of study booklets that were the New American Standard version. Several years further into my walk with Jesus, the “textual” issue and modern Bible versions became a serious study for me. There are actually only two types of Bibles. Those that have come from the “Received Text” family of manuscripts and those that come from the “Critical Text” family. The Received Text has historically been used by churches dating back to the time of the apostles. Whereas, the Critical Text has only dominated new translations for the last 150 years. {For more, request the book Not One Jot Or Tittle, Dr. Putney} If we do not get it right on the Scripture, GOD’S HOLY BIBLE, we will not get it right. In Spirit and in Truth we must worship; our Song must be holy and true. Come out, dear child of GOD, and be Separate for HIS GLORY. Amen 

Pray as we go forward Contending for Fundamental Christianity and American Freedoms. Take note of the projects, prayer needs, and other resources made available for you at our website. May God bless as we study and stand for Him.

For Christ and Souls,

Dr. Ronnie L. Williamson

Evangelist, The Voice in the Wilderness


What are you willing to declare? - Textual Issue

Critical Confusion - A Textual Issue

The Bible's Money Trail

Secular and Sacred Money Connection

King James Bible Declaration

King James Bible Timeline

Epistle Dedicatory of the 1611 King James Bible


A Melodious Heart for the Lord

Is the Church on the Rocks


From Genesis to Transgender - How did we get here? Request this book by Dr. Ronnie L. Williamson

Stinkin' Thinkin' (Part 1)

Stinkin' Thinkin' (Part 2)

Hostile to the Good and the Right

The Let it Go Influence

God's Word to Drinkers
