Be not conformed to this world - Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
There is an eternally vast chasm of difference separating the mind conformed to this world and the mind transformed by the work, will, and Word of our loving Savior Jesus Christ.
Let's take a little test. We might discover some Stinkin' Thinkin'.
1. The Brain VS the Bible
When a situation, issue or decision confronts you, do you go to the Bible in search of a verse to support your thinking? Or do you search the Scriptures daily to learn what God has to say?
To use, abuse or manipulate the Scriptures to support our thinking is in essence Stinkin' Thinkin'. The Bible is not our source to find support for our feelings or thinking. The Bible, God's inspired, infallible Word is the authority.
2. Opinions VS Omniscience
Are we constantly looking for experience, science, or the world's sources to confirm the teaching found in the Bible?
God's Word needs no validation or confirmation from this world. I could park here and give many examples beginning with, "In the beginning" Gen. 1:1. "Thy word is truth" and when God's Word speaks on a subject you can take it to the bank. By the way, if "science" contradicts the Bible just hold on. "Science" will eventually get it right - now or in eternity. God's Word is absolutely authoritative on any subject to which His Word speaks.
3. Evolution VS Eternal
Do you have evolutionary thinking? Can you spot evolutionary influences?
This point is a good example of #2. So-called evolutionists do not even agree. They all have their own opinions, evidences, and research. Did you know, the evolutionist has his church of worship? They're called museums, and in many cases our taxes pay for their worship. Go almost anywhere in the United States to tour National Parks, etc., and you will find evolutionary thinking. Everything happened in millions of years. At least the Smithsonian was honest enough to admit the flaws and fallibility. Their display said, "The science of human evolution is a fast-changing field. Much of the material in this exhibit, which opened in 1974, is now out of date. We're developing a new exhibit based on the latest findings." Available for you to see in the Smithsonian Exhibit are five signs stating the incorrect information portrayed in the display. One reference book listed as recommended reading was titled, Origins Reconsidered. Each sign giving the updated position had this common statement, "Recent evidence suggests..." Noteworthy were the statements, "Fast-changing," and "Now out-of-date." God's Word has not "changed" and is not "out of date." His infallible Word is not up for "reconsideration," and "creation fact" is not "fast changing." My Bible is not a result of evolution. No extra charge for this. The KJV translators got it right. God has preserved His Word translated from the original languages for English speaking people today. God's Word has not gone through modern version evolutionary process. We can stand solidly on the Authorized Version.
4. The Spade VS the Sword
Is your first line of thinking: "Where can I find the answer?"
Just as the archaeologists will travel thousands of miles to dig in search of proof, so often “Christians” will spend enormous amounts of time and money for self-help books, therapy, seminars, doctors, etc., trying to dig out an answer. I’m not saying those things have no place. However, for many, the first line of thinking is where can I find the answer? Should the believer not immediately on bended knee open God’s Word and allow His Holy Spirit to lead in all Truth. The Bible is the front line, not the last resort.
5. Agnosticism VS Authority
Does your thinking challenge the authority of God's Word?
Are you forever questioning God's Word because your life is not yielded to His will? Doubt can be vanquished by faith and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Search the Scriptures daily and study to show thyself approved. Somewhere, at some point you must in your mind declare once and for all the authority of God's Word for every facet of life.
6. Free thinkers VS Truth thinkers
What is the foundation of your thinking?
When I was in school, I had never even heard the term Christian education nor did I know a Christian School existed. One of my teachers in public school made this statement: "God is a crutch created in the mind of man to lean upon." Many believers live like that. God and His Word are there if you can't figure it out. He is our last resort instead of our final authority. "God, I'll let you know when I need something, otherwise I can do it myself." However, the Bible says: "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths.” The mind that flows through this world subject to every wind of change has no mooring of peace.
Notice this illustration -
What do you see? The Holy Bible with the world in the background? The Word of God should forever be absolute authority for thinking. Everybody has an absolute authority for thinking. What is yours?
Now what do you see? The world with the Bible in the background? For many believers, the world totally obscures the Word from view. The Bible is totally obscured from their decision making and if it does come in view, it is a small background part of the picture.
“For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” You have a choice to make. The authority for your thinking is a conscious, deliberate choice. Think about it. Can you pray this prayer?
“Father, by your help I will not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful. I will delight myself in your Word and will meditate in your Word day and night. I acknowledge you in all my ways. I look to you for direction and pray your Holy Spirit will teach me and lead me in all your Truth. I am committed to read and study thy Word faithfully that I may know and do your good and acceptable and perfect will. Thy Word is truth: sanctify me through thy truth. This I pray in the name of Jesus my Saviour and Lord, Amen.”