Security Breaches, Capitalism and Socialism, Constitution Week

Security Breaches—So the news has been full of it.  AT&T data breaches extend beyond its own customers. IBM reports that the average healthcare data breach will cost $4.88 million dollars to contain. Newsweek reported that in 2023 a whopping 133 million healthcare records were breached. Artificial intelligence programmers promise greater security. All while reportedly, Secret Service, FBI, and local intelligence massively failed and allowed a former President to be shot in Butler, Pennsylvania.  A security breach, they say.  A person who had bad intentions climbed to the top of a building, performed an evil act and lost his life for it.  Details are still coming out about the breach and the assassin.  But what you may not know is that on that following Sunday night, there was another security breach.  Argentina played Colombia (that is with an O and not a U) in the Copa America final in Miami.  The match was supposed to have started at 8 but was delayed till well after 9 due to the flood of those trying to enter the stadium.  Finally, the decision was made to allow all access to the stands; some poured in through the doors, while others chose to climb through the vents (there is photographic proof of this) all to watch the match.  The game finally got underway, but that was not the end for those who entered the stands illegally.  During the game, security went through the stands asking for those who entered to show the tickets that they had purchased to watch the match live.  It was obvious from the TV coverage that there were many in attendance who should not have been there.  Security removed those who had obtained illegal access.   The United States has always been a country welcoming those from other countries.  On the base of the Statue of Liberty, it states “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”  This is not an advertisement for open border policy, but a request for those who long to live in a country that grants all the ability to be free from tyranny and to better themselves and their families.  The United States has always been a land of opportunity.  To enter this country is to enter a nation that expects one to follow the laws of the land.  Without the proper documentation, those who enter illegally should be removed.  “Illegal alien” according to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary is “A foreigner; one born in, or belonging to, another country; one who is not a denizen, or entitled to the privileges of a citizen.” You are an illegal alien whether you be caught without proper permission in a country not your own, in a soccer stadium without a ticket, or in a voting booth without having citizenship.  A preacher said, “In order to get to Heaven, you must get a ticket.  A ticket will mean a changed life.  If you didn’t get a changed life, you didn’t get a ticket.”  For one to obtain passage to live with God, the ticket must be obtained HIS way.  The ticket process includes a simple process…All we need to know is our ABCs.  A—Admit  you are a sinner (Romans 3:23).  B—Believe in Jesus (Acts 16:31) and C—Call upon the Lord (Romans 10:9-13).  Heaven will not have any security breaches. Secure your passage to Heaven today. 

Contending for American Freedom—The Between Philosophy—Between capitalism and communism lies socialism.  It has a wide definition since many groups throughout history have claimed to be socialistic.  A succinct definition would be that the community and not individuals should own and manage property and natural resources.  Socialism is just the stopping point on the way to communism.  Personally, I have seen socialism at work.  In Venezuela, some 20 years ago, we witnessed a busy country full of working people. The exchange rate from the Bolivar to USD was low.  Then we started to see the progression.  First it was the exchange rate.  With their devalued money, the government’s remedy was to drop 0’s off the end of dollar amounts.  The exchange rate continued higher.  In fact, on one of our many missions trips to the country, we found out a need of the pastors there - motobikes for transportation.  The Voice friends gave enough funds for two motobikes;  however, when we returned, due to the exchange rate changing and price fixing, we were able to purchase three motobikes and leave money for repairs.   Soon, we saw the lines growing around the grocery stores, with certain aisles only open on specific days.  Eventually, the store shelves were empty of basic necessities (does this sound familiar? - think about the U.S. plandemic and no toilet paper!).  At this point, people stopped working, began relying on the government to provide for them.  One business-owner friend had to close down his custom clothing shop because people did not want to work.  Even those in his church did not want to work for him as they were reliant on the government.  Here in the U.S., we were founded as a republic - a federal republic and a constitutional republic.  We the people give our consent to be governed by those elected to Congress; however, from both sides of the aisle we hear the word democracy.  The founders never intended for our nation to be a democracy (ruled by a mob of people).  This is a slippery slope to socialism, which is one step away from communism.   Even those who have been elected to Congress are desiring for the U.S. to be even more socialistic.  Bernie Sanders explains Democratic Socialism as “a government that works for all and not just a few.”   That sounds good, until you realize that the government is not created to work for us.  According to the Constitution, our government was established to ensure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  It then further defined those in the seven articles that were signed nearly 250 years ago.  Our ancestors knew the purpose of federal, state and local government.  Read the story of Davy Crockett and the farmer.  Crockett and those in Congress appropriated $20,000 to those who had lost their homes in Georgetown after a fire had swept through the community.  When campaigning at home the next year, a farmer asked Crockett, “Where do you find in the Constitution any authority to give away the public money in charity?”  A great question that we should ask today. The Constitution is to be the supreme law of the land. When you prepare to enter the election booth this fall, analyze the issues in light of Biblical principles and vote for those (federal, state and local) who most closely align with the Bible and the Constitution, as it was originally intended. 

CONTENDING FOR FUNDAMENTAL CHRISTIANITY -  “I pity any politician who has acquired his office dishonestly; it is best to have God with us and to know that we are on the right side.” Do you know who said that? - D.L. Moody. That was certainly said a while ago, but still so applicable today! Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud ... There is fraud all around us - Businesses operate by fraud, loopholes, and lies. Dishonesty is everywhere in our culture today. In the height of Covid, nurses and doctors knew that if they prescribed hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, their licenses would be revoked. Yet, hydroxychloroquine is in the family of anti-malarials and used regularly. We, at The Voice in the Wilderness, have had personal usage experience with the drug when traveling to mosquito infested mission zones. Prior, during and after traveling to these malaria risk areas, the drug was taken with no problems. Then came Covid and pharmaceutical strongholds and deceptions. Without much discernment, one knew there was fraud all over the China virus. Churches and Christians were lied to and called non-essential. You could not go to the nursing home, hospitals or even have funeral gatherings. Now, in the evangelical, fundamentalist movement, fraudsters have crept in and are turning the grace of God into lasciviousness. Preachers that have for decades watched for souls are called legalist by a movement in churches that has replaced what was once called sin with what they preach as liberty and Godly. Sensual music of the 70s is now a steady diet in youth groups and fills the “worship platform” in the sanctuary. These that deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ have as their lord the world, the flesh, and the devil. Just as liberals, socialists, baby-murders, sodomites, and anarchists say that they are going to save democracy, our constitution and freedoms --- in this same fraudulent spirit, these that have crept into the church claim that they will save us from legalism. They preach freedom from the King James Bible, freedom from hymn books, freedom from old-fashioned preaching, rules and standards. 
For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude 4

Christian, be alert -- be aware! Fraud has crept into the church!

Constitution Week - Get Prepared!— In 2004, federal law H.R. 4818, section 111(b) was passed, saying: Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the educational institution. Have you read and studied the Constitution? Does your church, homeschool, or Christian school teach the Constitution and specifically emphasize constitutional studies during Constitution Week in September? Resources are available for you at
