Do we have a Christian Heritage?

Did you know that each of the 13 original English colonies spoke of their intent to spread the message of Christ? North Carolina has a strong history of gospel preaching. Note the language of the Carolina Charter of 1663:

"Being excited with a laudable and pious zeal for the propagation of the Christian faith. . . [they] have humbly besought leave of us. . .to transport and make an ample colony. . .unto a certain country. . . in the parts of America not yet cultivated or planted, and only inhabited by some barbarous people, who have no knowledge Of Almighty God." Patrick Henry wrote: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason people of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here."

By the way, all fifty state constitutions speak of the Almighty God of the universe, who gave America freedom and liberty.

George Washington said, "No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States." Our National Anthem proclaims: Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation!. . . And this be our motto: "In God is our Trust." Yes, the Ten Commandments hang on the wall of the Supreme Court. On our Capitol Building, monuments, and coins are the message of our Christian Heritage.

Harvard's official motto was "For Christ and the Church." Yale's purpose was "To plant, and under ye Divine blessing to propagate in this wilderness, the blessed Reformed, Protestant religion." Princeton was founded with the motto "Under God's Power she flourishes."

The Pony Express traveled through some very hostile territory. To avoid added weight, the riders did not carry rifles. Small saddles were used, yet each Pony Express rider was expected to carry the Bible, Old Testament and New Testament, on every trip.

Our history, our songs, yes, our heritage have been rooted in the principles of Christianity. The founders understood that to be the only way the New Republic would work. Yet, in my lifetime I have seen an aggressive attack and agenda against this heritage. Do we need ask WHY in respect to the insanity all around us today?

Ronald Reagan said, "America was founded by people who believe that God was their rock of safety. I recognize we must be cautious in claiming that God is on our side, but I think it is alright to keep asking if we're on His side."
