Where is the Treasure of America?


During the pioneer days in America, an old man found his way into a western settlement. He was very poor and desperately looking for food. As he walked through the town, someone stopped to talk with him and noticed a pouch around his neck. Explaining that it was given to him many years before, the old man opened the pouch, removed an old, crumpled paper, and handed it to the inquirer. Upon closer examination, the inquirer discovered that the paper was a regular discharge from the federal army. Signed by General George Washington himself, the discharge entitled the man to a lifetime pension. Can you imagine how surprised the old soldier was to find out that he had been carrying around a promise that his needs would be met, but because he had never claimed it, he had spent years in wandering and hunger! (copied)

On October 19, 1781, at Yorktown, the British army Commander Cornwallis surrendered to General George Washington. It was decisive – Freedom was born, and the American dream was underway. A dream dedicated to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

From the very beginning, our nation has had a unique spiritual dimension – firm in the doctrine of separation of church and state, at the same time recognizing the value of our religious institutions…thereby creating the climate and conditions in which those institutions could flourish.

From the days of the colonial clergy and early circuit riders to the present time, there is an unbroken line of preachers and religious leaders who have ministered to the spiritual needs of the nation and the world. Christian beliefs are evident all about us.

Picture a one-dollar bill – which acknowledges “In God We Trust!” It’s not our great riches, nor our military power for the defense to which we trust. It’s not the U.S. economy or strength of the dollar.

Between the Atlantic and the Pacific lies a magnificently carried land: rugged mountains, rolling plains, arid deserts, endless forests, mighty rivers and placid lakes. Our forefathers – rugged pioneers – carved out our liberty in the grandeur of this wilderness. They have bequeathed to us the responsibility for this great land. Patriots – we should “Praise God for our great land.”

America needs a patriotic people. America needs a people willing to recognize God as the one from whom all blessings flow.

He promises to hear,

He promises to heal

And He promises to forgive!

In allegiance to His name all

Idols we will break,

When we spread abroad His fame,

Our nation may awake.

America, we need to bow before

God seeking His will and way.

Are we going to respond?

“…I will yet lead with you,

Said the Lord, and with your

Children’s children will I plead…”


The treasure of America is in your heart. Where you are – be what you can be. Be what you should be. Allow good and right to reside in your heart. Do good where you can and whenever you can.

The Psalmist wrote: “...for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.” “In God We Trust.” Fill your heart and mind with the good and right. Reach higher, still higher above the base, sensual, carnal wallow of the world. Be not a worldling, but a child of the King. Let this royal reside in your heart. This is what America needs.
