The world is full of different beliefs about religious matters. In most any town you can find a multitude of people who adhere to some kind of religion, be it scriptural or not. To all of this many will say, "It doesn't matter what one believes so long as he is sincere in his belief." That may sound good, but it is not true.
It is said that a Japanese committee once waited on the philosopher Herbert Spencer to discuss with him the wisdom of adopting a state religion for Japan. He thought that such a step might be wise. Then when they asked what religion they should adopt, he agreed that their own Shintoism, being a native religion, might be just as good for Them, if not better, than any other, not excepting Christianity.
Now, had a friend told Herbert Spencer after this interview that he had assisted in placing an infernal bomb under the Japanese nation that would one day blow it to bits and leave black wounds on the rest of the world, he would have heard him with utter incredulity. This would have been the case because Spencer was not saved and looked upon one faith as about as good as another.
But regardless of what Spencer had to do with it, what actually came of the adopting of a religion on the part of Japan that taught that the emperor was divine? Multitudes took that creed seriously. Believing that they had the Son of Heaven for their emperor, they naturally came to believe that a people so highly favored were destined to rule the world. One who had long lived in Japan said that when he would tell a Japanese friend that he did not share his faith that his nation was destined to rule the world, this friend would not become angry, he, would just be astonished that one should be so ignorant and illogical.
Thus the attack on Pearl Harbor. The fanatical heroism with which the Japs fought was the natural outcome of their faith. What they believed wrecked them and caused them to seek to wreck the 'world.
The greatest threat to modern civilization today is atheistical communism. What is wrong with the Communists? it is not that he by nature differs from us. If you prick him, he will bleed. He is not made of the slime and ooze of things while we are made of far finer material. Yet here is a man who acknowledges no loyalty except that to his own political party. There is no other trust that he will not betray. There is not a crime that he is not ready to commit. Why is this the case? It is because of what he believes.
What one believes, therefore, is a matter of great importance. This is the case because beliefs are creative. As a wrong faith issues in wrong character and wrong conduct, even so a right faith issues in right character and right conduct. Therefore, when Jesus searches us with this question, "Who say ye that I am?" He is asking a question of supreme importance. Upon the answer we give to that question depends the destiny of the individual and the destiny of the world.