Sex Education in One Easy-To-Learn Lesson

My dear youthful reader, I am more concerned about you now than ever before perhaps. I am sore distressed that the godless Humanists (Planned Parenthood, National Education Assn., and a few others) have made you the victims of a tragic, and in many cases lethal, program which you know as "sex education" in the schools. Why must they stimulate your base instincts, pollute your minds, arouse your curiosities, furnish you the wherewith for fornication, and, yes, in many cases insult your intelligence? Most of those students being made to swallow, this concoction from hell could probably give the sexperts some pointers. They are probably more informed on the subject than are the professors. Also, does this godless crowd of sex educationists think you are so ignorant that you cannot find out all you need to know on the subject without their help? Thus I say they are actually insulting your intelligence. I was once your age and graduated from a large high-school. Had even the expression "sex-education" been uttered in our classrooms we would not have understood such a strange term. We would probably have thought they were talking about some foreign country in Africa or New Guinea. Before starting this article, I spent some time reminiscing and I cannot remember in all my pre-college schooling one single case of venereal disease or one case of an unmarried mother. In fact, I cannot recall one single case where there was what the world terms a "shotgun wedding." NOT ONE. Will the Humanists, Communists, and all others of their same stripe step up and explain how we managed so well and came out with such a good record without their stupid advice? The full extent of our sex-education in the schools consisted of one word, "abstinence." We heard that word in the home, in the church and in the school. You dear ones out there in today's public schools are just as brilliant, perhaps more so in many cases than we were, and basically you are no different. What worked for us in that day will still work for today without the help of the sexperts if you'll only apply it.

The old negro preacher expressed it perfectly when he said, "The GosPill (Gospel) is just like all other pills, it has to be swallowed to work. But, if swallowed, it sho’ do work." How true. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has the answer to today's dilemma but it must be heeded. In just a minute I am going to give you straight from God's Word one easy to learn, simple, sex education lesson. It is short and to the point, I hope you will memorize it and hide it away in your heart, The Psalmist said, "Thy Word have I hid in my heart (recorded it there, in memory) that I might not sin against thee," Psalms 119:11.

Recently I picked up a young man who had missed his ride to the college where he was attending and he was thumbing his way. He had a thick book in his hand and I noticed it's title, The Origin of Man. I said, "Son, what is that book about?"

He replied, "This tells us how man got here."

 "And did they need all that much book to tell it?" I inquired.

"Oh yes," said he, "There's a lot to the record."

Then I said, "Well, I have it all in two short verses, of one short chapter that covers a little more than one page. His eyes widened and he said, "Where?" Then of course you know what I told him, "Genesis 1:26 and 27." Just as the monkey folks, the baboon-boosters and the tadpoleites could have found the whole story in the Bible as smart folks have, the sexperts can find more material than they need, workable material with benefits in this world as well as for the world to come, if they would just accept it as God laid it all out in His Word long ago.


One of the best safeguards of morality is to be found in the subject-of dress. As l am sure you all know, the male sex drive is different from that of the female. He is attracted chiefly by looking, that is why God said, "whosoever LOOKETH on a woman to lust after her (not a woman looking on a man but a man looking on a woman, that is the order of things) hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Matt. 5:28.

David LOOKED on Bethsheba's exposed body as she bathed and you know the rest of the story. In Proverbs the 7th chapter we see a young man going through the streets and a woman approaches him "with the ATTIRE of a harlot." She lured the young man to his destruction but what was her main drawing card for his eyes? - Her attire, her dress style. It would take a whole sermon to explore all there is to be said on this line, but, girls, when you wear your skintight pants that have been fashioned after men's clothing and the things are so tight they reveal every contour, every chill bump, you have left little imagination and you are in trouble. When your dress neckline plunges so as to be somewhat revealing, when the hem of the dress is short enough to expose any area above your knees; when your wild hairdo, your facial makeup, or whatever, is so designed as to attract the eye of a man, you have opened a Pandora's box. You are asking for trouble, and there is plenty of it out there to be found.

Here is God's formula for your dress code: "In like manner, also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel (long enough, high enough, thick enough, loose enough. Not gaudy, not revealing, not vain, not designed to lure the opposite sex) with shamefacedness (shy, able to blush, a blush is a sign which nature hangs out to show where chastity and honor dwell, meek) not with braided hair (braided hair was a fancy style with the hair wrapped about gold wedges, extravagant, showing vanity, excessive as is most of the hairdos of this day) or gold, or pearls, or costly array." 1 Tim. 2:9

 Nobody professing godliness ought to spend time, and taste, and money to the extent many do on personal adornment, as if the body was everything and the mind nothing, or as if the chief end of a woman's life is to please man. The most humbly dressed believer has a better garment than does a queen who knows not God.


 There is an old saying that "familiarity breeds contempt," and if this be true, many young people must hate each other due to so much familiarity between the sexes. Just as the man is tempted more by sight, the female is lured more by touch. Young man, keep your hands off that fine young lady and young lady, you see to it that he does. Nearly all acts of immorality start with a mere caress. One thing leads to another, once things are set into motion. Casual embraces may be exhilarating, at first but they are the first rungs of the ladder that leads to an act of fornication, and the higher you climb on that ladder, the harder it is to come down, never take the first step.

The best way to avoid temptation along these lines may require that you run away from it. Joseph in Potiphar's house was the target of Mrs. Potiphar who tried unsuccessfully to lure him into an act of immorality and when she became so persistent as to lay hold of him, he fled, leaving his coat in her hands and to her astonishment. You may have to do something like that.


Timothy was a young man like many of you who read these lines. Paul wrote him letters of instruction something like the one I am writing you right now. He exhorted Timothy (applies to all of course) "Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example to the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in PURITY." 1 Tim. 4:12. Again he exhorted, "keep thyself PURE," in verse 22.

Once a man noticed that in the middle of a pond covered with green scum and filth, a water lily was blooming, its petals as white and unsoiled as could be. He asked a botanist about this and was told that the petals of the lily contained a substance that made the dirt slide off, thus enabling it to bloom untarnished in the midst of the filth of a stagnant pond. Young man, young woman, you are as that lily, in the midst of a sea of filth and degradation, a rotten world surrounds you. You are in it but you do not have to be a part of it. God can give you an experience of grace that will keep you unsoiled and untainted though all hell is loose on either side of you.


 In his letter to the Philippian church Paul said, "Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever, things are lovely, what soever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK ON THESE THINGS." Phil. 4:8

Thoughts are the seeds of acts and if they are allowed to go into the wrong channels, they may breed all kinds of ugly things. Acts, be they good or bad, are usually the direct fruits of thoughts. When Eve saw the fruit of the forbidden tree she had some thoughts about the benefits of it. She testified that she decided it would be good for food. Did she think about its calorie content, its vitamin benefits, if it was good for the digestive system? Probably not on these things but she no doubt thought it all through and weighed the benefits in her mind then she said after that - "I took." I take no stock in the positive thinking preaching of this day, we do not believe in mind over matter to the point taught by some popular theologians. However, the mind, our thoughts, DO play a very decisive role in our actions. So, Paul says think good thoughts, feed your mind on that in which there is virtue and praise, don't let your mind become a cesspool in which to breed all sorts of evil things.

Now a word of warning! There is no way you can keep the devil from planting unwholesome thoughts in your mind and he will do so so quickly until you will not realize they are there until you find yourself entertaining them. You cannot prevent birds from flying over your head but you can prevent them from building a nest in your hair. So, the very moment you find thoughts in your mind which are not what they should be, dismiss them at once by perhaps quoting some scriptures, singing a song, offering a prayer or if nothing else, change the trend of thought to that which is good The devil will knock at your door, you can rest assured of that, however, it is your fault if you ask him to stay for dinner. Do not ask or allow that evil thought to remain, but cast it from you at once.


There are so many other things I would like to mention but remember that above all these things the God who created you in His image and for His pleasure and for His glory has added some "thou shalt nots." Listen - "Thou shalt not commit adultery," Rom. 13:9; "Flee fornication," 1 Cor. 6:18; "Abstain from fornication," Acts 15:20; The sexperts will tell you "do your own thing," they will tell you that there are "no absolutes," that everything is "relevant," they will preach their "situational ethics" etc., but you remember this one thing if you forget all else I have said, THERE IS A HEREAFTER. There is a reckoning day coming for sure and for those who sow to the flesh, they will of the flesh reap corruption Gal. 6:8. God has appointed a day wherein He will judge us all (Acts 17:31) and here will be the results of that day for those who have failed to learn God's simple, old fashioned lesson in the things we have been discussing - "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators (sex acts between singles) nor idolaters, nor adulterers (acts between the married with other mates) nor effeminate (Greek "MALAKOS" meaning sissy, ladylike) nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." I Cor. 6:9,10.

NOTE: Some who read these lines may think -  Bro. Royce has his head in the proverbial sand. However, let’s face it - look at Denmark. In the 7 years that followed the adoption of compulsory sex education in that country (1970) assaults and rapes increased 300%. Venereal diseases increased in individuals over the age of 20 by 200%; in those 16 to 20 yrs. of age it rose 250%, in those 15 and younger it rose 400%. Add that to the experience of neighboring Sweden which has had compulsory sex education in its socialistic schools for 30 years or more. Today Sweden has the highest venereal rate in Europe. The situation has gotten so bad that a group of doctors have petitioned the King to abolish the sex education programs. Their view: It is "destructive to family life and the moral stability of young people.”

Look at our own country. I am not sure how long this insanity has been in our schools but it is clear for all to see that the situation has worsened to the point where it is epidemic, yet we want to add a bigger dose of the same deadly medicine. What will we do next? Perhaps build “experience class rooms” onto the schools where they can get their lessons by performing the real act under supervision of the sexperts who can see that it is all carried out according to the book?

May God help us to be the “lily” in the midst of the mess in this world – Amen!


[Printed May 1987; Author: Dr. J. Royce Thomason]
