Three Must-Haves for Veterans' Day


The founder of The Voice in the Wilderness, Dr. J. Royce Thomason, a veteran, cowboy, preacher, and American patriot had this to say regarding the remembrance of Armistice Day on November 11:


Sometimes we get so taken up with the celebration of Thanksgiving at this time of year, that we seem to forget another even more important event that took place in November, the signing of the Armistice (Veteran's Day) at the close of World War I, November 11, 1918. Had Germany won the war, you may rest assure that you, or no other nation, would be celebrating any Thanksgiving Day on the 22nd.

Armistice Day is a holiday in not only America, but also in Britain and France; both of the latter nations were our allies during the conflict. After World War II, the Sunday nearest November 11 was proclaimed in England as a day of tribute to those who served during World Wars I and II.

In the United States, the President signed a bill on June 1, 1954, redesignating the holiday as Veteran's Day. Let us not forget to give thanks at this season for all those brave men who served, our own boys and allies, to purchase for us such a glorious freedom as we enjoy today. And may we remember as never before, that freedom is everybody's business, that the price for it has never been decreased, but rather increased. The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral or national crisis, maintain their neutrality.


I know three things that must always be

To keep a nation strong and free.

One is the hearthstone bright and dear,

With busy, happy loved ones near.

One is a ready heart and hand

To love and serve and keep the land.

One is a worn and beaten way

To where the people go and pray.

So long as these are kept alive,

Nation and people will survive.

God, keep them always everywhere,

The hearth, the flag, the place of prayer.

(Author unknown)
