Two pastor friends were meeting with several indigenous church planters they had supported for some time in missionary work. The National brothers expressed the urgent needs of their ministries. After some discussion the two American pastors explained they did not have the extra money but would go back to the states and share the need. To their shock, the Nationals called the Americans liars. A heated debate ensued. The brothers argued that Americans have cars, houses, money and vacations. Surely there is money to help poor brothers and sisters do God's work. Long story short with all our pictures, postings and parties plastered world wide what else would our dear brethren, struggling for daily bread, think. May we use restraint in broadcasting our excessiveness.

Apologies From America

Over the miles, and even across the sea
They watch this home of the brave - land of the free.
No, not the stock market or Hollywood stars,
Not the athletes or our expensive cars,
Nor the fancy homes and clothes galore,
Or all the amenities from shore to shore.
I’m talking religion, or still better yet
The church, the Christian - for they have met.

It’s not true, this “One nation under God”
It’s not real, just a form and fake facade.
What Bible and prayer - for could they hear
With that “rockin’ rollin’” blare, O’dear?
HIS still small voice is just “drowned” out
Amid the crankin’ amps and frenzied shout.

Their noise and dance - Moses’ anger waxed hot
And today the church is full of stain and spot.
But is there hope with another “Missions Team”
Or is this the fad with a steady stream?
To take a group to visit the Hottentot
All dressed like the world when they are not.

And the missionary on field so far away
Must make excuse - to his people say,
Now we don’t dress or sing like them
Our standard is to glorify HIM.
The Americans came, but we must pray
From the Book to the world do they stray!
Their material things and the world projects
They look and sound as the mirror reflects
A worldly age of music and dress
Looking for the new, and without rest.

But the MISSION is more than song and dance
More than travel with a helping chance
To lend a hand and do some good
But to glorify our Lord in all we should.

So APOLOGIES from AMERICA and just this plea,
Before you go over land and sea,
A Standard High when we consider others
May mean far more to our sisters and brothers.
For their custom and culture and Bible stand
Just may differ in their church and land.
