(1 Peter 1:23)
Chris McCandless starved to death in the bush of Alaska, breaking his mom and dad’s heart. I came across this story, in the 1990’s while working in Alaska. There are so many examples of life illustrated in the seemingly rebellious demise of a young man from Virginia named Chris McCandless.
Chris went into the wilderness blaming his parents and others for a lot of confusion in his life. He made bad choices; and with food all around him, even in his stomach, Chris died of starvation. Subsequent investigation reveals a fungus or mold grows on legumes during summer months in wet conditions. A potent alkaloid forms and coats seeds. Ranchers and veterinarians know this “Swainsonine” as a killer of livestock. The toxin inhibits the body from metabolizing food and no matter how much the victim eats starvation is inevitable. The seed is corrupt and toxic. Even though food is present, it is coated with poison.
Now watch this carefully. We are not “born again of corruptible seed…” (I Peter 1:23) The child of God is born “of incorruptible seed, by the Word of God…”.
A healthy body with adequate store of proteins and sugars can excrete toxins through urination. However, in the case of Chris McCandless, who was living in the wilderness, mal-nourishment was present. Physically, in a stressed condition, eating corrupted seed, Chris starved to death.
The Bible says,
“…desire the sincere milk of the Word that ye may grow thereby:” I Peter 2:2.
“…Strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age…” Hebrews 5:14.
“…Sweeter also than honey and the honey comb…” Psalm 19:10.
“…Sweeter also than honey and the honey comb…” Psalm 19:10.
Found in the Word of God are our spiritual proteins and sugars to molecularly bind the world’s poisons and purge away deadly toxins.
Wescott, Hort, Nestle-Aland, critical text, along with writers like Brian Edwards and D.A. Carson state their position. They have and are discovering and ascertaining as precisely as possible what reading of any particular passage is closest to the original. However, they admit no one has the original autographs plus the manuscripts used have corruption that must be fixed by textual critics.
Listen carefully—I say this as kindly as possible. I do not have a corrupt Bible (seed) that needs to be fixed by man! God’s Word is forever settled.
Wescott, Hort, Nestle-Aland, critical text, along with writers like Brian Edwards and D.A. Carson state their position. They have and are discovering and ascertaining as precisely as possible what reading of any particular passage is closest to the original. However, they admit no one has the original autographs plus the manuscripts used have corruption that must be fixed by textual critics.
Listen carefully—I say this as kindly as possible. I do not have a corrupt Bible (seed) that needs to be fixed by man! God’s Word is forever settled.
Psalm 119:89.The Words of the Lord are “pure Words,”“preserved from this generation forever ”Psalm 12:6 & 7.God has promised His “words shall not pass away” Matthew 24:35.
Today this is an absolutely critical point. With the proliferation of modern Bible versions translated from corrupt text and corrected by textual critics, multitudes of “Christians” are feeding on corrupted seed. This exposes the user of corrupt Bibles to deadly toxins. Spiritually, multitudes are starving to death sitting under “Bible preaching” and feeding on corrupt seed. No wonder those deceived by corrupt “scholars” and “seed” are hostile about their departure from the pure Word of God.