Practical Planning for the Church

 The apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit has taught the church that, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints”.   In no way do we want to organize God out of our worship services or church order. However, we do not through the lack of organization want to allow the devil an opportunity. Strict formality can certainly quench the Spirit and prevent the presence of the Lord moving in His people. Yet, the lack of thought and preparation can be due simply to slothfulness. The pastor is the worship leader and with prayer and forethought, he can assure the peace and order that God has intended in the church, as well as the liberty needed for the Holy Spirit to move in the heart of God’s people.

The following calendar is simply a template that can give direction for various opportunities the church has during the year to reach the lost, as well as edify the saint. This is a month-by-month list of suggestions, not exhaustive, that can be considered in planning the church’s yearly calendar. Often missionaries, guest evangelists, as well as members of the congregation have advanced commitments that could hinder the church schedule. So with careful planning, the pastor is able to afford his congregation some very special blessings throughout the year that may not otherwise be available. We will just list month-by-month some ideas that I have borrowed from other ministries for your consideration. Keep in mind; some of the preparation may start six to twelve months before the New Year begins.

There are so many more ideas but this may be a little bit of help. Pray, Plan and Prepare. Just remember, each occasion on the calendar can be used for the edification of the body and a tool to reach lost souls for whom Christ died. From church to church, there may be varying ideas about special events. None of these suggestions are set in stone. Take note of the following calendar suggestions.

JANUARY – Many churches have found it a blessing to start the New Year with an emphasis on Stewardship. As the church prepares the annual budget, it is important to teach each believer opportunities to be stewards of their time, talent, and treasures. Stewardship teaching may carry over into February with a family emphasis.

FEBRUARY – Without concentrating on some of the world’ traditions, the church can emphasize the family and marriage. A husband and wife banquet or retreat presents an occasion for Bible Study and strengthening of the home.

MARCH – Some pastors have called this “March for Missions” month. A Missions Revival, a Missions Banquet, an international dinner or Faith Promise Service can be a challenge and blessing for the congregation. Throughout the month various missionaries can be brought in to share their vision with the local church. Sunday School lessons can all be centered on missions. Obviously to bring in missionaries and special speakers, planning may need to be done months in advance. March may also begin with a music retreat at you church facilities planning and preparing music for Resurrection Sunday, Missions, Patriotic days, Christmas, etc. This could be a Friday evening and half day on Saturday with meals provided.

APRIL – Studies on Christ and His Resurrection will encourage each believer to share a Gospel witness with family, friends, and co-workers. Resurrection Sunday should always be an opportunity to bring lost family and friends to the church. Many times this will be a rare occasion to have some visitors come through the church door.

MAY – Mothers Day and a month of opportunity to reach out to the Ladies is certain to be a blessing. A Mother/ Daughter Tea or Lunch could present an open door to reach lost women in the community. Memorial Day and other occasions give opportunity to recognize those who serve our country and community.

JUNE- This is a month to reach men. You have Fathers Day, a Father/Son outing, lessons on manhood, and on the list goes. VBS and the Camp Ministry must be planned for months ahead but may run through the summer months.

JULY- Many do not have an accurate understanding of our Godly and Goodly Heritage. Teach them. Have a God and Country Day. Invite First Responders, Service personnel and public officials. These opportunities are endless.

AUGUST- A month long Revival with a different Evangelist each Sunday has huge potential. Back to school activities can reach young people. This is the time to start planning VBS and Camp for the next year.

SEPTEMBER- Patriot Day-9/11. The State of the Church and ministry opportunities can be presented to the Church family. Review and evaluate the overall church ministry, mission and outreach. Christmas events should be well into the preparation stage.

OCTOBER-September and October can be Harvest and Heritage month. Each Church can choose a Homecoming Sunday and even invite the community for an open house and Bar-B-Q sometime during the year. September or October may work for you.

NOVEMBER- Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Day are obvious. By the way take time during the year to share opportunities and ministries that young people in the church can consider for lifetime ministry. Think about the ministry: the Pastorate, Music ministry, Youth/Children’s ministries, missions, Christian Education, medical missions, Christian printing, Christian camping ministry, missionary aviation, Legal missions, Construction missions and more. The opportunities are endless.

DECEMBER- Preaching, Teaching and singing about Jesus. For God so loved that He gave and so can we. What an open door to share Christ. Nursing Homes, Shopping Malls, all around town so many more at this time of the year will listen to the GOOD NEWS!

Satan is the author of confusion and chaos. God is the author of order and organization. The intent is never to plan God out but to prevent Satan from getting into the plan. We should always be sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit whether in a weekly church service or the scheduling of various events. Do all things for His glory and decently and in order. Amen! 
