[With a little tongue and cheek and A LOT of Truth...]
Here is your updated "No Fly Zone" or more precisely put, your “Do Not Preach List” for this year. Remember pastors and evangelists, we live in a more sophisticated, mature, modern, politically correct culture. After all, this is not the dark ages. That puritanical witch burning era is past, and thank the Lord for it. So, if you are going to preach solely love and unity, here’s your “Do Not Preach List”
Keepers at Home
Divorce and Remarriage
Facebook and Social Networking
Texting, Sexting, and High Tech Sin
Contemporary Music
Dress and Fashions
Entertainment, TV, Movies, Etc.
Sports and Me
Little Girls and Soccer Moms
Pants on Women
Women, Keep Silent in the Church
Short hair on Women
Long Hair on Men
Beaches and Bathing Suits
Dating and Courtship
Sippin’ Saints
Praying Knees and Dancing Legs
Marriage and Manhood
Pastor, Is Your House in Order?
The KJB and Modern Bible Versions
Public Education and Government-Run Schools
Cremation and Pagan Roots
Government Money