It's Your Day Before the Rose

 If we continue one more day, we’ll have a mutiny on our hands! 

Their faith was gone. Their body was weak. The visual offered no hope. Fear had taken hold. Turn back. Give up. Save yourself! The desperation swelled greater than any wave on that sea to ... where?... no where? The edge of the world? Or an agonizing, slow death for the last standing? But Columbus, in that famous year of 1492, persuaded the shipmen to persevere just three more days. Undoubtedly, he spent his hours praying, seeking for something, a sign, anything. Perhaps, he thought himself like Noah, waiting with bated breath for that olive branch. And then two days later, as if laid upon the current to be carried into their hands, they saw the branch and its beautiful rose, and up from its view, land was beheld. 

“If we continue...” What might happen? For certain, the Devil and his minions have no time sensitivity nor need for rest. Fear is given giant status, and the oppressor crushes his victim with just one -- more -- day. That was the day just before the rose. That was the day just before land. Who are you on the ship? Is the fear and hopelessness crushing? Continue... Is the body weak? Continue... Is the giant towering over you? Continue... The Rose of Sharon is traveling your current, bringing rest, hope, and a view of the land of Victory for those seeking. The battle is ours and the victory HIS. Continue! 

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;  I Tim. 3:14

Statues toppled, monuments defaced, books burned, evil coerced, murders, wars, sickness, financial stress, relationship struggles, parenting distress, ... - 

But CONTINUE! Today is your "Day Before the Rose."
