Killing America - And We Still Are Asking "WHY?"


As of April 16, 2023, 167 mass shootings have been documented since just January 1, 2023. As news media coverage expounds upon the details, Americans continued to dwell upon the same questions over and over. How and why does this happen? As you read the following article, first printed in 1974, consider the fact that the generation of this article has now raised the 2023 youth that are committing violent crimes. The majority of mass shooters are in their 20s and 30s and have been actively involved in the transgender and LGBTQ movement, educated in the public school system and radically influenced by drugs, alcohol, leftist propaganda, anti-God and anti-America thought, depression, anxieties, and other mental and spiritual attacks.


(The following article was first printed October 1974)

Americans have more freedoms than any other group of people on earth. However one would think we live in a police state under an iron fist dictatorship, by all the demands we hear for so-called "Civil Rights." Demands are even made to force amendments to the Constitution, amendments that would give equal ground to all choices of life.

However, coming right on the heels of the women libbers, we have another "liberation" group which, if it achieves its goals, will make Women's Lib look very mild. This fast growing new movement is called "Children's Liberation” and has as its propagators at least four national organizations of attorneys, plus numberless public welfare groups.

There are an estimated 68 million Americans under 18 years of age and the left-wing liberationists call these young people "the country's most oppressed minority." Radical underground groups are eyeing the Children's Lib movement with great glee for they see in it all a chance to further alienate children from their parents and to radicalize them for left-wing, causes. Their main thrust seems to be in the area of underground newspapers .which are being printed and distributed in thousands of schools across the country. These papers have a mixture of the hashed-over arguments and contentions of the Vietnam war which call for students to stand up for their rights.

Coupled with all this far-out rhetoric are instructions to disgruntled students, as to how to disrupt the schools millions of copies of a School Stoppers Textbook that have been published for student distribution. The book gives 61 ways (including burglary and arson) on how to shut down schools.

The whole aim of the Children's Lib movement is to bring about government legislation that will declare young people at least  semi-independent, and not subservient to parental, educational or law enforcement authorities.

This would mean that parents would have no assurance that they would have the total say about their children's behaviour and welfare. Teenagers would be able to seek medical treatment without the parents' consent or knowledge. Already 48 states grant such secretive medical treatment in case of venereal disease, and some extend it to pregnancies, abortions, contraception and drug addiction. New York City is putting forth a 4 million dollar effort to make contraceptives and birth control devices available to all that city's youth without requiring the knowledge of parents.

The liberationists are also pressing for laws requiring parents to maintain a "hands off" policy in the case of their child's money matters. Minors would be able to make notes and assume financial responsibilities without any control from the parents.

Further compromises on the dress question are also being demanded. Schools that still have any type of dress or disciplinary code would, if the Children's Lib group get their way, have, to abandon their rules. Already in Illinois (and there are perhaps other places), booklets have been published called "Rights and Responsibilities." In these booklets students are informed that student publications may contain whatever material desired, pornographic, or whatever, and that no disciplinary action can be pressed by the school authorities. As a result of this unbelievable ruling, student papers are now appearing from coast to coast with special articles on drugs, x-rated movies, and how to use birth control devices.

In one large West coast town, the school board, by a majority of 1 vote, voted to retain "principal's power" to censor school newspapers, search lockers for drugs, weapons, stolen' articles, etc. However, almost immediately the journalism teachers’ assn., catering to the students, threatened to sue unless the board reversed its policy.

Georgia, who has always sent chronic offenders to adult prisons, is having that law challenged by the ACLU. If the state loses its case, it will mean that a trial will have to be called and a grand jury indictment before the offender can be committed. In some states where there are so many unmanageables that there is no room for them, moves are on to stop the law enforcement agents from putting overflow cases in regular jails. In other words, determined moves are on to coddle lawbreakers, further alienate children from their parents and to raise a generation of anarchists.

If the Children's Lib group gets its way, every court in the land will be filled with lawsuits brought on by a bunch of spoiled brats against their parents, the schools, the policeman, and anyone else who rubs their wool the wrong way. One girlie boy has sued a California school for one million dollars because he says they allowed him to graduate without being able to read or write. The Youth Law Center, a radical leftist group of attorneys catering to youthful complaints, is hoping to win the case.

During the Korean war, one of America's military generals was captured and hauled off to a communist prisoner of war camp. There, a young Chinese psychologist, was appointed to brainwash the general. However, due to the strong discipline and self-control the general was able to muster up, the Chinese doctor could do nothing with him. This made a great impression on the young communist; he was made to admire a man of strong character like the general, and the two men became good friends. When the war was over, the Chinese doctor said, "Well general, I hate to see you go, I have come to admire you. I hope you don't feel too badly about leaving us, after all we will be with you in a few years. We plan to destroy the morals of just one generation of your youth. After we do that, you will have nothing with which to resist us."



“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
