Hostile to the Good and Right

Sadly, there is a growing hostility toward Bible-believing (King James Bible, specifically) Christians that hold to the absolute authority of God’s Word on the subjects of abortion, marriage, divorce, clothing, music, entertainment, homosexuality and technology just to name a few. To state kindly and yet emphatically, “Thus saith the Lord” pertaining to certain issues is to be insensitive, unloving and judgmental. You are labeled a holier than thou, legalistic hypocrite. The Bible has presently become “hate speech.”  Those who dare stand where many once stood concerning the topics listed above are now objects of this intense hostility. Those who talk tolerance and love are the most intolerant and hostile toward those that simply believe as the antagonists once believed. “Generic Christianity is OK. A benign, therapeutic sermonette is acceptable. Just do not get specific." The world and even carnality will pass but if you start naming low cut necklines, hemlines, sleeveless, slits, mix bathing, beach going, Frozen, Rock and Roll style southern gospel contemporary church music, well they will rip your face off.

Now it is important to clarify something at this point. This hostility presently flows from mainline denominational churches and even “evangelical groups” that once preached a conservative Biblical position on most, if not all, of these issues.

Not only has Demas forsaken Paul, but Demas with this antagonistic attitude attacks those that adhere to the foundational fundamental Truths of the Faith. Just as liberals want to rewrite the Constitution, this New Christianity is rewriting the Bible. Just as the world wants to redefine marriage, this New Christianity wants to redefine Jesus, Church, Separation, and Sin. Sippin saints, fornication, adultery, and sodomy, well—that’s their “present world”. God forbid that any Christian in the name of love and tolerance call evil good and good evil (Isa. 5:20) This present world has raised up a voting block of  “Christians” that love this present world. Tragically Washington, DC has garnered a constituency that stands for little and falls for everything.  “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” I John 2:15.

This continued conformity to the world only exposes the individual, the marriage, the home, children, churches and this nation to satanic attack. Presently, there is the “Alternate Lifestyle,” Alternative Medicine, and “Alternating Christianity”—alternating between the world and The Word. Yes, we have Bible and science corroboration here. In alternating current (AC) the flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction. A brief study of direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) reveals many practical applications for DC versus AC. It is interesting in the world of electricity that certain laws are absolute. In the Christian’s life, God has given us His Word which is to be absolute in our faith and practice. In this present world the Lord allows man’s free will to remain after conversion. However, His Word is forever settled. When man finds his will subjected to alternating between this present world and God’s absolute Word, we must surrender to His Law just as electricity is governed by law. However, far too many in this alternating Christianity yield to the ways of this world rather than surrender to the laws of God.

Winter was coming and the apostle Paul said, “Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world.”  Paul made it very clear.  “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing” (II Timothy 4:7-8). Obviously, Demas had alternated between God’s will and now chooses to love this present world. Paul has remained faithful and loves not the world, but loves the appearing of His Lord. Demas had not just forsaken friendship. Demas has forsaken fidelity and faith.

As the earth began to quake and shake, the mighty Vesuvius erupted and buried the inhabitants of Pompeii. Some were found in lofty chambers where they tried to escape death. Others were discovered in underground vaults attempting to hide from the scorching killer. But there was the Roman sentinel. Faithfully standing at his post where his commander had last ordered, the sentinel remained faithful. With earth trembling, fiery ash pouring down, the faithful sentinel was found a thousand years later, weapon in hand, still standing at his post.

For some, death may come rushing upon them. For some, the sensual sirens of seduction—money, flesh and the world may try to sweep the soldiers feet away. But for some, they shall not be moved. Their friendship, fidelity and faith cannot be shaken.

Demas loved this present world. In this present 21st century, there are those who have professed Christ, faithfully attended Bible-preaching churches, held offices from the pew to the pulpit, but presently love this world. In that state, they have grown hostile toward any and all that stand faithfully in The Old Paths. God has given the verdict. You cannot love this present world and love God the Father as well.
